Saturday, December 21, 2013

Santa says "Welcome Ho-Ho-Ho"

Santa says "Welcome Ho-Ho-Ho"

Look around, play some Christmas games, read some Christmas stories,
poems and jokes, color some Christmas pages, read about Christmas
traditions, try some Christmas recipes, listen to Christmas music
and even read the lyrics to the Christmas songs.
Catch Santa on video in YOUR OWN HOME
with our Claus Cam!!!!!!

Santa Video

Santa's Suggestions:

Santa's Happy List
Fun Sleepware

Who Is Santa?!
There is a lot here but DON’T FORGET to send your letter to Santa!
There are a few of the letters that Santa got in past years below or you
can read a whole bunch of Santa’s letters by clicking here.
Or better yet, you can get
a whole bunch of Santa’s letters in this book!
Dear Santa
I would like a couple of things, but I don't really matter. The kids that do matter are the ones that don't have a lot of stuff. Last year a got a lot of stuff from you and my parents. But this year is different. I don't need a lot of toys. So if you would, just get me a couple of toys and give the poor people what they really need. Anyway just get me some of these things: books ,littlest pet shop, legos, a cozy blanket and a couple of things in my stocking. (your choice)
Love, Julianna S.
Dear Santa
I really hope you are real. But I am not so sure. It might be against your rules, but on Christmas eve, could you come wake me up? Just to reasure me. If it IS against your rules, just put on one of my preasants: From supercalifragilisticsexpialidocious. I want to know I promise I wont tell anyone. I know how buisy you are, and I am sorry it is last notice, but please be sure to get a pair of brown cowgirl boots, and some overawls. I would really appriciate it. I have a question. My mommy says that you hide preasents all around the world because your sled isnt big enough. How big is your sled?
Dear Santa
all i want for christmas) PLEASE this is all i want is for Mrs.Santa to have a baby child and name it after ME!!! PLEASE oh PLEASE i know i have been very good latley. I think you need a kid sooooooo....... please i want you to have a baby!!!!!!!! Love Santa Jr. P.S, next christmas i want to see him, or her if you don't i will be very mad! Just Joking with you big guy!!!!!!!!!! LOL
P.S.S I also want a WII......!!!!!!
emy j

U.S. attorney, IRS and FBI investigating Florida GOP credit card use

U.S. attorney, IRS and FBI investigating Florida GOP credit card use

Federal law enforcement agencies have launched a criminal investigation into the use of American Express cards issued by the Republican Party of Florida to elected officials and staff, according to sources familiar with the inquiry.
The U.S. Attorney's Office in Tallahassee, the FBI and the Internal Revenue Service are all involved in the inquiry, which grew out of the state investigation into former House Speaker Ray Sansom. He was indicted on criminal charges that he stashed $6 million in the state budget for an airplane hangar for a friend and campaign donor.
In the federal case, Sansom and others could be charged with making false statements on their tax returns and tax evasion stemming from hundreds of thousands dollars in charges on party credit cards.
A spokeswoman for the Republican Party of Florida, Katie Betta, said she could not confirm the investigation nor make any comments. Coming in a high-stakes election year, the investigation could expose the inner-workings of a party that has dominated state government and raked in millions of dollars from lobbyists and special interests.
Meanwhile, in a separate inquiry, the IRS is also looking at the tax records of at least three former party credit card holders — former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio, ex-state party chairman Jim Greer and ex-party executive director Delmar Johnson — to determine whether they misused their party credit cards for personal expenses, according to a source familiar with the preliminary inquiry.
Political parties, which are tax exempt, are allowed to spend money only on political activities, such as fundraising, running campaigns and registering voters. While it's commonplace for party officials and politicians to wine and dine donors, the Florida party allowed credit card holders to rack up hundreds of thousands of dollars in charges with little oversight.
The IRS opened the so-called "primary'' investigation into Rubio, the leading Republican candidate for Florida's open U.S. Senate seat, and the two former state GOP officials to see if there's enough evidence to support a full-fledged criminal inquiry, according to a source familiar with the IRS examination.
Rubio campaign adviser Todd Harris said Tuesday that the former lawmaker from Miami has not been contacted by any federal investigators.
"There is absolutely nothing to this,'' he said. "Anyone who is looking into it or investigating will quickly come to the same conclusion.''
At this stage of the IRS investigation, agents are looking at federal tax records, state financial disclosure forms and other documents to see whether Rubio, Greer and Johnson may have personally benefited from using their GOP American Express cards without reporting or paying taxes on additional income.
"They would be interested in pursuing a case if the amount of money was big and it was being spent on people and things that were prohibited under the GOP's structure,'' said Jose I. Marrero, former special agent in charge of the IRS's South Florida office.
The party stopped issuing credit cards last year after Greer cut up his own American Express card at a party meeting to try to quash the uproar over spending.
Rubio billed the party for more than $100,000 during the two years he served as House speaker, according to credit card statements obtained by the St. Petersburg Times and Miami Herald. The charges included repairs to the family minivan, grocery bills, plane tickets for his wife and purchases from retailers ranging from a wine store near his home to Apple's online store. Rubio also charged the party for dozens of meals during the annual lawmaking session in Tallahassee, even though he received taxpayer subsidies for his meals.
Rubio said the billings all related to party business — the minivan, for example, was damaged by a valet at a political function — and that he repaid the party for about $16,000 in personal expenses.
Asked during his campaign bus tour last week if he needed to amend his tax returns to reflect any party money that covered his personal expenses, Rubio said, "We don't believe it's income. It's not. . . . Whatever the law is, we're going to comply, but I don't think it's income.''
Greer, who was forced to resign in January amid allegations that he misspent party money, said of the IRS inquiry, "I paid all my taxes and did everything my accountant told me to do.''
Johnson referred questions on Tuesday about the IRS inquiry to his attorney, Bob Leventhal, who could not be reached. His credit card statements, which were obtained by the Times/Herald, included chartered planes, lavish meals and golf outings.
Greer and Johnson are at the center of a Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigation into a secretly formed consulting business that reaped $200,000 from the party. Greer, in turn, has filed a lawsuit against the party that says it reneged on a $124,000 severance deal that also would have absolved him of any financial wrongdoing. Greer was replaced by state Sen. John Thrasher of St. Augustine in a special election. Thrasher signed the secret agreement with the chairman along with incoming Senate President Mike Haridopolos and House Speaker Dean Cannon.
Cannon charged about $200,000 in 2008 and 2009, of which he identified more than $3,000 in personal expenses. He reimbursed the party after his American Express card statements were disclosed in the press.
Haridopolos billed only $2,400 during the three months he had a party American Express — most of it on food for fundraising events in his hometown.
Rubio's struggling rival for the U.S. Senate, Gov. Charlie Crist, has seized on the former lawmaker's credit card spending to try to raise questions about his integrity.
Rubio acknowledged in February that he double-billed state taxpayers and the party for several plane flights from South Florida to Tallahassee. He said he would pay the party back about for eight flights totaling about $3,000, but the party said Tuesday it had not received a check.
Harris said the campaign has determined that only six were double-billed and is waiting for the party to verify the exact amount.
Rubio's tax attorney, Steve Wasserstein, said Tuesday that the double-billing was an "accounting mistake'' that does not require an amended filing and will be easily rectified when Rubio repays the party.
Times political editor Adam C. Smith contributed to this report.

Suarez signs new Liverpool deal

The striker, who has netted 17 goals 11 league games this season, says the "special relationship" he has with club's fans was key to his decision to sign a long-term contract
Luis Suarez has signed a new "long-term" contract at Liverpool, the club have confirmed.

The Uruguayan has enjoyed a sensational 2013, scoring 27 times in 25 games, while he has netted 17 times in just 11 Premier League matches this season.

8/11 Luis Suarez is 8/11 with bet365 to score 30 or more league goals this season
Goal reported earlier this week that Liverpool had opened talks with Suarez over a club-record deal thought to eventually be worth up to £200,000 a week, and the 26-year-old has now put pen to paper.

"I am delighted to have agreed a new deal with Liverpool and have my future secured for the long term," Suarez told the club's official website.

"We have some great players and the team is growing and improving all the time. I believe I can achieve the ambitions of winning trophies and playing at the very highest level with Liverpool. My aim is to help get us there as quickly as possible."

Suarez made no secret of his desire to leave the club during the summer, with Arsenal failing with two bids during the transfer window after being led to believe an offer of over £40 million would trigger a release clause.

However, the 26-year-old insists the "special relationship" he has with Liverpool supporters has persuaded him to commit himself to the Anfield outfit.

He continued: "Without doubt the backing I have received from the Liverpool fans has influenced my decision. I am so proud to represent them and go out to do my best for them every time I pull on the shirt.

"We have a special relationship; they have love for me and in return I love them back. I will always do my best for them and hopefully we can achieve success together."

Manager Brendan Rodgers hailed the new deal and the impact it will have on the players, club and supporters.

"This is fantastic news for everyone associated with the club; the team, the owners and most importantly the supporters," he said.

"Luis is a world-class talent and securing his services is crucial for what we are trying to achieve here.

"What's most important and most exciting is that, at just 26 years old, his best years are still ahead of him and we now know we'll be seeing him reach that potential in a Liverpool shirt."

Liverpool owner John W. Henry, meanwhile, suggested Suarez's contract is an indication that the club are moving in the right direction.

He said: "We are committed to working hard to keep our best players and this is an indication that we are moving in the right direction and moving at a pace that impresses one of the best players in world football."

Liverpool chairman, Tom Werner, added: "This demonstrates our commitment, as an ownership group, to building a team that competes at the highest level both in the Barclays Premier League and in Europe.

"Our primary motive is to do what is best for Liverpool Football Club and today's news is another significant step forward on this journey."

Bill Clinton Net Worth

Bill Clinton Net Worth

Sloane Solomon | August 13, 2013






  • SIGN


final-billBill Clinton has an estimated net worth of $80 million dollars. 

William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton is an American politician who served as 42nd President of the United States. Clinton has an estimated net worth of $80 million dollars. Clinton is six feet two inches tall and weighs 226 pounds
Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III on August 19, 1946 at Julia Chester Hospital in Hope Arkansas. His father, William Jefferson Blythe, Jr. was traveling salesman who died three months before his birth in an automobile accident. His mother, Virginia Dell Cassidy, moved to New Orleans to become a nurse after she gave birth to Bill. Virginia left Bill with his grandparents in Hope. They ran a grocery store and sold goods on credit to people of all races even though this was the south during segregation. When Bill’s mother returned from New Orleans she married Roger Clinton, Sr. who owned a car dealership in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Bill assumed the use of his stepfather’s last name but did not legally change his surname until he was 15. While attending Hot Springs High School, Bill became active as a student leader and was very interested in politics, reading, and music. He sang in the chorus and played tenor saxophone. He considered dedicating his life to music but decided law was more interesting.
With scholarships, Clinton attended the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. He received a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service degree in 1968. After graduation he won a Rhodes Scholarship to University College, Oxford. While at Oxford he studied philosophy, politics, and economics. After Oxford Clinton attended Yale Law School where he earned a Juris Doctor in 1973. While at Yale he met fellow law student Hillary Rodham and the two married a few years later.
After graduation he became a law professor at University of Arkansas. A year later, in 1974, he ran for the House of Representatives. Clinton lost but was elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976. In 1978 he came Governor of Arkansas and the youngest Governor in the entire country. In the late 1980′s it was rumored that Clinton would run for presidency but he did not run until 1992. He was elected President in 1993 and served until 2001. He was the third youngest president ever to be in office.
After his second term as President, Clinton began writing, speaking, and traveling on behalf of the United States to aid in foreign affairs. He has served on a number of diplomatic missions since his presidency ended. In 2004, Clinton received a quadruple bypass surgery. He underwent surgery again in 2005 for a partially collapsed lung. In 2010, after complaining of chest pains he had two coronary stents places in his heart. He is now on a strict vegan diet and practices Buddhist meditation.
Bill Clinton’s net worth could buy:
  1. 3,405,704.56 copies of My Life by Bill Clinton ($23.49 each)
  2. 10,000,000 3-pack Tide to Go Instant Stain Remover Liquid Pens ($8.00each)
  3. 3,244,120 pairs Alta Kneepads ($24.66 each)
Bill Clinton has enough net worth to give everyone in Germany $1.

Revealed: How 'possessed' Wenger is driving Arsenal's title assault

With Sir Alex Ferguson out of the picture, the Gunners boss is plotting his team's challenge for top spot with a spring in his step following a strong start to the season
By Wayne Veysey | Chief Correspondent

Behind the Fort Knox-like exterior of Arsenal’s training headquarters, there has been a noticeable change in Arsene Wenger’s demeanour this season.

“He is like a man possessed,” explained one long-time observer. “The old Arsene is back. He has got the fire in his belly again.”

The always erudite and charming Frenchman had appeared to be winding down his Gunners’ reign in the relative backwaters of fourth-place scraps and premature cup exits.

9/2 Arsenal are 9/2 with BetVictor to win the Premier League
For those who recall him as the all-knowing Le Prof whose team played the most beautiful football while hoovering up trophies, it was hard to stomach.

Yet Arsenal’s unexpected title assault has coincided with the manager swapping Father of the Bride equanimity for Tony Montana-style ruthlessness.

Wenger started to assert his authority in pre-season. Fed up of senior players knocking on his door and demanding new-signing bulletins, the manager ordered players and junior staff to stay away from his office.

“To get to the training pitches from the changing rooms at London Colney, the players used to have to walk past Wenger’s door,” another source revealed. “Wenger was so sick of being besieged he made them change their route and take the long way round to the pitches. Even after the transfer window closed, he refused to change back.”

The intent demonstrated in, first, bidding £40 million-plus-£1 for Luis Suarez and then pulling off the Mesut Ozil coup, has been replicated on the manicured lawns of Colney.

Wenger is said to be stricter and more demanding of his players. An iron fist is increasingly prominent inside the velvet glove.

During the years of ‘Project Youth’, Wenger would go to great lengths to protect his players in public, even to the point of farce.

There has been a subtle change this season. There was no attempt to defend Jack Wilshere’s one-fingered salute to Manchester City fans last weekend, which earned the midfielder a two-match ban.

With 18 months remaining on his contract, vice-captain Mikel Arteta might have anticipated talks opening on an extension to his deal. There has been no movement from the club. Wenger is biding his time. “He is more ruthless this season, almost like his old self,” the observer added.

The Frenchman has refused to get sidetracked by his own future. Goal understands that an agreement on a two-year contract extension, keeping him at the club until 2016, has been in place for two months. Wenger's focus is on maintaining his team's progress.

With Manchester United a diminished force following Sir Alex Ferguson’s retirement and Chelsea and Manchester City rebuilding under new managers, the Gunners are perched at the Premier League summit.

Wenger senses Arsenal could be on the verge of something special, more so even than when previous title challenges ignited before eventually floundering in 2007-08, 2009-10 and 2010-11.

The flair and creativity we associate with all Wenger’s teams is as conspicuous as ever. It is now supplemented by a solidity and resilience mostly absent during the eight trophy-less years.

The whispers behind the scenes are that Arsenal will make concerted moves to land a big-name striker in the notoriously difficult January window

The missing piece in the jigsaw is an A-list attack leader. Olivier Giroud has led the line manfully this season but Wenger knows that the Frenchman needs marquee assistance.

The Frenchman has never been one to bow to public opinion, particularly when it comes to swimming in the shark-infested waters of the transfer market. Like Frank Sinatra, he does it his way.

However, the whispers behind the scenes are that Arsenal will make concerted moves to land a big-name striker in the notoriously difficult January window.

Up until a few weeks ago, with availability limited and big clubs unwilling to sell in mid-season, Wenger felt a loan deal for a forward was the most expedient option. Now, a shortlist of five marquee strikers has been compiled as the manager prepares to spend up to £30m on the right forward.

“There is more intent from Wenger this year,” the source added. “There is a feeling that he will go into the January market in a big way. He knows what Arsenal need to win the title and he is ready to make it happen.”

Publicly, the body language has altered little. Wenger remains as articulate on camera as he is agitated on the touchline.

Privately, a spring is back in the 64-year-old's step. With Sir Alex removed from the fray, the new spiritual father of the Premier League management fraternity is marking out his territory in the dugout.

STRIKE AFTERMATH: NLC Urges ASUU To Double Productivity

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) in Anambra has called on university lecturers to work harder to make up for the 25 weeks lost to their strike.
STRIKE AFTERMATH: NLC Urges ASUU To Double Productivity
Mr Patrick Obianyo, the Chairman of the congress in the state, made the call while speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Awka on Friday.
Obianyo described the suspended strike which lasted five months and 18 days as not only regrettable but avoidable.
He, however, commended the federal government for finding a common ground with the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) on the issues raised.
He said that their action showed responsibility and was in the interest of the country's education sector.
"The NLC thanks God for helping us see the end of the strike after a period of nearly six months.
We want members of ASUU to double their productivity so that we can reduce the extent of damage resulting from the industrial action.
The government has shown character and demonstrated faith with the union; it is not cowardice, so students and teachers must justify the gains of that struggle," he said.
The labour leader pointed out that there was need for healthy industrial relations between governments at all levels and the labour unions.
He said it would make for easy resolution of differences and prevent prolonged negotiations.
ASUU on Tuesday suspended its industrial action which commenced on July 1. (NAN)
RELATED ARTICLE: ASUU Strike: Why Academic Activities Are Still Low at LASU
RELATED ARTICLE: "We Have Lost So Much" - Students Lament Over ASUU Strike
RELATED ARTICLE: "ASUU Strike Suspension - The Best Christmas Gift"
RELATED ARTICLE: BREAKING NEWS: ASUU Is Likely to Call Off the Strike After NEC Meeting (UPDATED)
RELATED ARTICLE: ASUU STRIKE: State Universities May Not Resume - Senior Lecturer Reveals

EXPOSED; How To Know She Is A Runs Girl Without Even Meeting Her In Person - See more at:

EXPOSED; How To Know She Is A Runs Girl Without Even Meeting Her In Person

1. Her online picture centers less on her facial beauty, she focuses more on showing to the world her feminine possession and endowment: bosoms, hips, hot body etc.

2. Her profile pictures do not in anyway 'synergies' with the various locations as portrayed in the pictures: some of the pictures conspicuously show her in different room locations and arrangement (only those with critical pictural* analysis can spot this).

3. When you add her as a friend on Badoo or other social network, it will take her nothing less than 30 minutes to reply your message. (This shows that many clients are lined up online), and even when she replies you, her reply sometimes is a let down from your painstakingly written introduction.

4. When you tell her you are interested in her and you would love to be her friend, she goes like, "Friend as in, what do you want?".

Some of them after accepting your friend request would simply reply to your numerous questions with this sentences: Badoo - 'What is your desire?' BBM - 'What do you want from me?' Facebook - 'What can you offer?' and on it goes...

5. She only gives you little attention when you lie to her that you work with some of the well known and respected companies and business brands in Nigeria.

6. When you try to see how naughty she can be by sending her lewd and raw messages, she simply replies your message with this, 'till you come'.

7. She is a sleeping devourer who only gets awakened and alerted by money and all the good things that come with it.

Feel free to add yours....
- See more at:

PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”

Glitz Africa Magazine have revealed their list of the “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”.
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
In no particular order the most beautiful African women are listed below:
Leila Lopes (Angola)
Who is missing?
Leila is an Angolan beauty queen who won the titles of Miss Angola UK 2010, Miss Angola 2010 and Miss Universe 2011.
Vimbai Mutinhiri (Zimbabwe)
Who is missing?
Vimbai is a Zimbabwean actress, model and television personality. Check out the rest of the gorgeous ladies that made their list.
Oluchi Orlandi (Nigeria)
Who is missing?
Oluchi is a Nigerian model. She is married to Italian fashion designer Luca Orlandi.
Yvonne Nelson (Ghana)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Yvonne is a Ghanaian actress, model, film producer and entrepreneur. She is also a former Miss Ghana contestant.
Dillish Mathews (Namibia)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Dillish is the BBA season 8 The chase winner and co-owner of High definition investments.
Agbani Darego (Nigeria)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Agbani is a Nigerian model, best known as the first Black African Miss World.
Tiwa Savage (Nigeria)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Tiwa is a Nigerian singer-songwriter, recording artist, performer
Stephanie Linus (Nigeria)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Stephanie is a Nigerian actress, film director and model.
Genevieve Nnaji (Nigeria)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Genevieve is a Nigerian actress. In 2005 she won the African Movie Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role. CNN states that she is referred to as the "Julia Roberts of Africa".
Joselyn Dumas (Ghana)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Joselyn Dumas is a Ghanaian TV presenter and actress. She was picked as the 2012 face of the Range Rover Evoque in Ghana.
Yvonne Okoro (Ghana)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Chinyere Yvonne Okoro is a Ghanaian actress of Nigerian and Ghanaian origin.
Jackie Appiah (Ghana)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Jackie is a Canadian born Ghanaian actress.
Millen Magese (Tanzania)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Millen is a former Miss Tanzania and international model.
Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde (Nigeria)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Omotola is a leading actress, singer, and philanthropist from Lagos, Nigeria.
Zainab Sheriff (Sierra Leone)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Zainab is a Sierra Leone fashion model, currently based in Istanbul Turkey.
Naa Okailey Shooter (Ghana)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Naa is the Ghanaian titleholder for Miss Ghana 2012. She is known for placing third at the Miss World 2013 pageant in Indonesia.
Nadia Buari (Ghana)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Nadia is a Ghanaian actress. She received two nominations for Best Actress in a Leading Role at the African Movie Academy Awards in 2007 and 2009.
Lerato “Lira” Molapo (South Africa)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Lira is a singer from Johannesburg's East Rand. Her name translates to “love” in Sesotho and she speaks four languages.
Babalwa “Barbz” Mneno (South Africa)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
Babalwa is a South African model, events manager, hair salon boss and reality television personality.
Elham Wagdi (Egypt)
PHOTOS: Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Yvonne Nelson, Others Among “20 Most Beautiful Women in Africa”
All of them are incredibly beautiful and charming but who to your mind is the best of the best? Share with us in comments below!

Reps Give Okonjo-Iweala A 'Homework' In A Form Of 50 Questions Due In Two Weeks

The House of Representatives committee on finance has given the Minister of Finance, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a 'homework' in the form of 50 question as the lawmakers walked her out from the meeting on the state of national economy on December 19.
Reps Give Okonjo-Iweala A 'Homework' In A Form Of 50 Questions Due In Two Weeks
TheMminister had appeared before the committee chaired by Honourable Abdulmumin Jibrin but said she had felt bad.
Jubrin ruled out that in this circumstances they could not take on the Minister but that they would give her "the 50 questions" for which she must respond to in writing within two weeks.
The Reps have made a good job to make the questions as detailed and tricky as possible.
Okonjo-Iweala will have to say what the the major economic achievements of the 2013 fiscal year, and if the government has managed to reduce the current expenditures as was planned.
The lawmakers also wonder why has the Minister forecasted economic growth at only 9-10 per cent, and challenge her asking:
"Don’t you agree that a good finance minister managing an economy like ours should be celebrating a GDP growth as high as 20 percent annually? Why is it that our economy cannot grow beyond a single digit?"
Moving from microeconomic indicators to more specific areas of the Nigerian economy, the Reps ask Okonjo-Iweala to assess the success of the recent privatization taken into account the lack of actual improvement in the power supply. 
They also ask the Minister to comment the November 12, 2013 statement credited to the World Bank Country Director for Nigeria, Marie-Francoise Marie-Nelly, who said that over 100 million Nigerians live in absolute poverty, comprising 8.33 percent of the world’s total number of people living in destitution.
Okonjo-Iweala will also have to say how much money has been lost in government revenue as a result of import duty waivers in 2011, 2012 and 2013, and describe the implications of the loss to the country’s economy.
The lawmakers also ask the Minister why has EFCC not been proper funded, and how, given the lack of funding, the commission should be expected to fulfill its duty, which is to tackle corruption in Nigeria.
Citing the success of China and Brazil that are developing according to their multi-year development plans designed well in advance, the Reps request the Minister to explain, 
"why we are yet to adopt such a multi-year development model? why wouldn’t you agree that Nigeria too needs that in order to move faster and more sustainably in its quest for industrialization and economic diversification and job creation for millions of the country’s unemployed young men and women?"
Besides, the Minister of Finance will have to explain the drop in the external reserve position and the balance on the excess crude account from 48$ billion and 9$ billion to 43$ billion and 3$ billion respectively.
The Reps also demand the Minister to clarify why job creation is being so slow in the country and why the private sectors does not play an leading role in the creation of employment opportunities.
"Would the Minister say that the various Government initiatives at job creation have not lived up to expectation as they affect only a very small part of the population?" ask the lawmakers.
In two weeks we will see how well the Minister of Finance will have prepared her homework.
RELATED ARTICLE: Reps Give Okonjo-Iweala A 'Homework' In A Form Of 50 Questions Due In Two Weeks
RELATED ARTICLE: UPDATE: Okonjo-Iweala Presents N4.6 Trillion Budget Estimate For 2014
RELATED ARTICLE: Date Set for Okonjo-Iweala's 2014 Budget Presentation Before the Lawmakers

World's Most Pierced Woman With 7,000 Metalic Piercings Gets Married (PHOTOS)

World's Most Pierced Woman With 7,000 Metalic Piercings Gets Married (PHOTOS)

 For someone covered from head to toe in nearly 7,000 metallic piercings, one extra ring might not be anything particularly special.

But the latest addition to Elaine Davidson's collection could be her most cherished ring yet, as the world's most pierced woman today married.

Miss Davidson, who at a recent count had an astonishing 6,925 piercings, tied the knot in Edinburgh, where she lives and runs a shop.

The 42-year-old was accompanied to a registry office in the Scottish capital wearing a white gown as well as pink and flowers around her hair.

And for the special occasion she naturally kept her trademark piercings all in place, along with green, yellow and blue paint markings on her face.

Her husband, Douglas Watson, who has no visible piercings, was dressed for the 35-minute ceremony in a dark blue suit with a blue shirt and tie.
She was also accompanied into Edinburgh Registry Office by two bridesmaids dressed in pink.

The Brazilian-born former nurse first broke the record for most piercings in May 2000, when a Guinness World Records official examined her and found 462 piercings on her body, including 192 on her face.

Miss Davidson has previously said she never removes the rings and studs, which she estimates weigh a total of around three kilos. She also insists there is no pain involved in the piercing, and that she sleeps every night with every piercing still in place.

However, she revealed in 2009 that she doesn't like being pieced and suffers for her art.

She said in February 2009, when she had 6,005 piercings including 1,500 that are 'internal': 'I don't enjoy getting pierced, but to break the record you have to get to a high level.

'I wanted to break the record.

'My family don't even like tattoos or piercings.'

On her own website, Miss Davidson, who also sleeps on a bed of nails and has walked on fire and glass, says she enjoys extreme sports and theatre, but does not drink or smoke. 
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Jonathan Holds Emergency Meeting With Service Chiefs Over Boko Haram Attacks

President Goodluck Jonathan has gathered an emergency meeting with the security chiefs on the spate of insurgents’ attacks in the areas under emergency rule on Friday.
Photo: Jonathan holds emergency meeting over Boko Haram attacks
The meeting followed another audacious attack on a military barracks on Thursday night by rampaging insurgents at Bama, the headquarters of Bama Local Government area.
President confirmed the meeting with security chiefs in the morning of Friday while speaking at the decoration ceremony of newly promoted generals of the Armed Forces.
However, he didn't provide any details of the attack, which culminated in the meeting before he attended the decoration ceremony scheduled for 8am.
Meanwhile investigations showed that the Special Forces killed 30 insurgents at a riverside community in Bama while they were trying to get water from the river in the morning on Thursday.

Another Nude Pics Of Actress Uche Iwuji Surface Online Again [PHOTO]

Another Nude Pics Of Actress Uche Iwuji Surface Online Again [PHOTO]

Few months ago actress Uche Iwuji's indecent photos surface online and this triggered a rumor that she is no longer living with her husband [GET FULL GIST + N*DE PIC HERE]. But it was later confirmed that her husband was aware of the leaked photo, One of our noble reader send another bad photo
of Uche iwuji to us claiming that alot is going on between UCHE and her hubby.... See the photo when you

If we listen to the Nollywood star, everything is fine. If that’s the case, we can go ahead and drop the rumors. Besides, she looks quite beautiful without her clothing — so what’s the problem? 
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REVEALED: Why I’m In APC — Governor Amaechi

Rivers State Governor, Governor Rotimi Amaechi has given reasons why he left the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the All Progressives Congress (APC).
The Chairman of Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF), Governor Amaechi said his reason for joining the APC to protect the interests of Rivers State which have been neglected by the PDP federal government.
He said the state suffers neglect and victimization in the absence of federal government projects and the ceding of oil wells in the state to neighboring states.
He urged people of the state to be politically conscious and become agents of progressive change to vote out the ruling PDP at the federal level.
Amaechi, who spoke yesterday during an interactive session with medical doctors in the state in Port Harcourt, said APC holds the key to the country’s rapid development.
According to the governor APC is the alternative to the PDP to reduce general impoverishment in the country.
He said one of the reasons for his disagreement with the federal government is over the Soku oil wells  in Rivers State which were ceded to Bayelsa State and which the Rivers State government contested in court.
Dr Bukola Saraki the chairman, Senate Committee on Environment and Ecology, yesterday however is in support of the defection of 37 members of the House of Representatives elected on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC).
The former Kwara state Governor hailed the defecting federal lawmakers for their courage, describing their action as a welcome development.
Saraki stated this while speaking at the empowerment programme in Ilorin organised by Dr Ali Ahmad,a member of the House of Representatives, representing Ilorin East/South Federal Constituency of Kwara state.
Aside the commissioning of Ahmad’s ultra- modern constituency office, items worth N100m were distributed to the lawmaker’s constituents. Saraki hailed reps members from the state for what he called their bold decision to formally dump the PDP.

Desmond Elliot Joins Politics! Set to Contest Under Labour Party In 2015

Desmond Elliot Joins Politics! Set to Contest Under Labour Party In 2015

As you read this, Nollywood actor, Desmond Elliot has joined the Labour Party. The actor who is a solid follower of Jimi Agbaje is not only canvassing for him to be the next Governor of Lagos State, but he is also contesting for a seat in the House or Reps. under Surulere constituency, in Lagos. Desmond BB’s status has mostly been around politics lately, here are part of his words on BB;

Well, I want a better and more comfortable LAGOS. I’m willing to exchange my ‘in-action’ and ‘silence’ to speak up for a leader who will give me the Lagos of my DREAMS.

I have established that making Jimi Kolawole Agbaje governor, is one of my priorities and I’m off to work on that. Join the MOVEMENT!!Its JAYKAY 2015 The hope has begun”
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Boko Haram Insurgency: Borno Army Base Under Heavy Attack

A group of gunmen, allegedly Boko Haram members, stormed military barracks in Borno in the early hours of December 20, 2013, Friday.
The army and residents confirmed that the attackers sprayed spraying gunfire on the troops inside before torching the compound. The military has reportedly initiated pursuit of the insurgets.
Mohammed Dole, the Army spokesperson in Borno state, confirmed the attack on the military barracks in the town of Bama.
However, he did not confirm the claims of several Bama residents, who said dozens, or perhaps even hundreds, of insurgents armed with assault rifles, explosives and rocket-propelled-grenades swarmed the barracks in a convoy of 4x4 trucks.
Bama resident Abdullahi Idris told the newsmen that the assault started at around three in the morning with huge explosions and the cracking of gunfire.
“Later we saw plumes of smoke and fire from the barracks,” the resident said.
According to Idris and other residents, military jets flew over the town after the attack.
The nearest air force base is in Borno’s capital Maiduguri, roughly 70 kilometres from Bama.
Another resident, a member of vigilante group, who spoke with reporters on conditions of anonymity, said a large section of the barracks had been destroyed by fire. He further added that fighter jets allegedly dropped bombs on the attackers, forcing them to flee.
Neither residents nor Army spokesperson commented on the estimate number of casualties.
It would be noted that defence officials have claimed Boko Haram is now only capable of attacking soft targets, but Friday’s raid in Bama, which came after a December 2 assault on the army and air force in Maiduguri, indicates the insurgents are still capable of daring offensives.
RELATED ARTICLE: UPDATE: Bloody Chaos In Maiduguri After Boko Haram Strikes